Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saje jenguk sat.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Bekwoh Farewell PP
PP (centre) clad in red shirt suurounded by the loved ones.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
One Year Older
Mesti orang tanya yang ke berapa, tengok title macam in denial takmo tulis angka keramat tu. Well many people said it is only numbers. but... 37 sounds alot jugak (Alhamdulillah), mcm tak caya jer. Spoken to mak last week wishing her 43rd wedding anniversary (10th April)n she recalled my soon-to-be birthdate, and even dia pun cakap "dah banyak umur awak yek". She still believes and regards, I am still her youngest baby who has mature without her wanna to admit. I will always be you baby!!! Babah jangan marah -" I'm ur babe forever ...lah".
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sembilang oh Sembilang

Yesterday, I dok blog walking to other bloggers, suka masuk bloggers yang kaki masak and in this one entry by abang mat gebu , ada asam pedas ikan sembilang. Perghhh.... the red vibrant asam pedas siap ada bunga kantan is been proudly featured in his entry. Oh MY!!! there and then, ayaq lioq dok tersekat kat tekak ni and rasa macam kecur giler. Kalau orang jawa sebut 'NGENCHES"...
Wish, wish, wish mak dapat antar ikan sembilang kat sini. So I posted in the fb "teringin ..." and a fren in Abu Dhabi Kak Hana kata dia ada jumpa ikan sembilang kat market Abu Dhabi. Biar betullll! tapi abang Aji (hubby Kak Hana) is an angler takkan tak kenai ikan kot. Kot babah lainlah... babah kalau bab-bab nak kenal ikan ni memang fail. Kalau betul ada! confirm will heret babah to Abu Dhabi nak carik.
Many frenz commented in fb, 'buat sendirik lah", improvise ke dgn ikan dory, ikan pari or ikan apa2lah but tekak preggie ni nak ikan sembilang gakkkkkk. Nak masak asam pedas is not a problem but hope betullah ada sembilang kat Abu Dhabi ... huhuhu. Anyone kat DBX pernah jumpa kat any market here???
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Island Escapade UAQ 2009
ermmm lambat mama update blog ni. Masa ada mood aritu, internet disconnected pulak. Babahnya terlupa 'update' bill, sudahnya tak leh access to internet. Bill settled takleh access gak, password recognized pulak called Etisalat sampai 2 days baru settled. Then Baby 'tua' kat umah ni down with fever, teruk benar nampaknya 3 days MC, jaga anak2 dia demam pun tak teruk camni, menjeng semacam nak attention!
so report on Island Escapade aritu.
On the 5th Thursday, at 5.00 off we head to Ummu Al Quwain, checkin to our chalet, nice and cozy overlooking the beach. CG was our neighbour with PP-Kka Aishah dok chalet atas.
Lapar, bukak periuk makan nasi lemak. Mama cooked nasi lemak with sambal ikan bilis n sambal sotong - baba mmg lapar joined by PP n family, Haza n family, CG n family. Later joined the rest at riri-linda-Zue's banglo buat BBQ. Plenty of food - food fiesta, kalau dok sesama Malaysian ni memang tak pernah lapar - Alhamdulillah.
6th Mac- Morning take the boat to the island.
ERMMMMM... dah banyak ari tried to upload gambaq tapi takleh, dia kata dah overloaded, exceeded the photo limit quota. Mama pun tak sure naper; possible blogspot has its limit or mama got to bayor for the xtra storage. Well, I'm not a computer savvy , so tak brapa paham. The fact is, lepas tukar this new notebook n guna VISTA memang problematic, lembab giler... compared masa pakai XP. Could that be the problem??? So sebab mama tak dpt upload gambaq, tgk je lah
Monday, March 2, 2009
Island Escapade 09

Thursday, February 26, 2009
I'm back Part II

Monday, January 19, 2009
I'm back
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Komputer Masuk Hospital
Insya'Allah in the next few days, The Terminal will be back. In the mean time, MAMA is taking her own time to hibernate herself during winter.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Malasssss... apa nak jadi???
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Mohammad orders cancellation of New Year celebrations
WAMPublished: December 30, 2008, 20:37
Dubai: His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has ordered the cancellation of all New Year celebrations in Dubai on Wednesday as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people.
In support of the Palestinians in Gaza, who are enduring all kinds of killing, destruction and displacement by the Israeli military machinery, Shaikh Mohammad instructed all concerned authorities in Dubai to put this order in place and take necessary procedures to circulate the decision to all concerned parties.
and in fact New Year celebrations in most parts of Arab world cancelled.
Anything new about us?... ermmm banyak buat one thing for sure 2008 was a smooth sailing, everything seemed to be in order except for few hiccups in friendships, in some of our unsure desicions but Alhamdulillah... hope for better 2009. Hope or another year of wisdom. Azam baru??? I haven’t made any resolutions this time around, I resolved to make... ermmm I just wanna be better person lah to everyone n enjoy life with the loved ones selagi Allah kurniakan kesihatan yg baik Ameen.
Esok, anak2, A'an and Intan balik Malaysia, gonna miss them esp Kakak Ieam yg melekat with abang. Again another time to say GOOD BYE... uhks
Monday, December 29, 2008
Beautiful Istanbul Finale

Day 7 (15122008)
Aud Lang Syne.


All exhausted, Ali and Iman has started to catch fever.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Beautiful Istanbul pt III


OK then till next entry, the finale.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Beautiful Istanbul Pt II
We came back late from Bursa pukul 12.00midnite baru sampai, punyalah letih n terpaksa heret anak2 naik hotel. So on the fourth day the children were exhausted and tak nak ikut pergi mana2. And it was our intention to leave them since mommies nak pergi explore Haghia Sophia... We took our best munckins along, Riri bawak Andry and mama took Ilham for kalau anak2 dua orang ni with us... life kat hotel tu tak kecoh sangat. Irdina tinggal dgn Kak Sutik yang amat sanggup nak jaga Dak Dina Debot. The facts is ARYAN n DINA were the BEST supporting tourists we took to Istanbul

Llength of cistern is 140m, width of it is 70m and it is a giant rectangular stracture. In the cistern where you can godownstairs yhrough 52 stone stairs, there are 336 columns of which height is 9m. these marbles compose of 12 rows, nemely 28 columns in each and there is 4.8m between each and every one of the marbles

Then off we walk to the Grand Bazaar. Apa lagi shopping time... but when u entered the place it is is so colourful, so were mesmerized and hypnotized. Finally, beli fridge magnet, Turkey tea sets and few small souvenirs. Mama and auntie Riri bought a porcelain plate and a porcelain bowland also a jug, hand made ... beautiful and after a hard bargain we got it for quite a reasonable price. Unfortunately, angry Andri ngamuk and baling mama dia punya barang and crack. So another mama thought dia punya selamat but similarly the staffof that Turkish air main baling that bags. so mama Zaida punya pun crack gak Cuma jug selamat because had carried!!!!! Sigh!. Takdak rezeki...
Colours of Istanbul!!!!!
Top right, the pinggan mangkuk kami yg hancusss.
Till next entry ...
08122008 (backdated)
Intan, Yasmeen and Harris' Birthdays.
Happy Birthdays to Yasmeen, Intan and Harris.
Alahai! punyalah mama excited tulis pasal Istanbul terlupa nak update pasal birthday anak dara sorang ni. On Eidul Adha (8.12.2008), Moi n Norris invited us for beraya with them. As the following Subuh kami nak berangkat ke Istanbul, mama tak prepare apa2 pun. Infact pagi raya tu Firdaus and family tetiba datang beraya. Ermmm adhoc plan nak serve apa ye?... hohoho dapat buat cekodok udang jelah (mintak mahap banyak2)
Birthday Yasmeen and Intan coincides the same date (the actual date is 10 December 2008). They are at the same age - 9 years. So kira buat sekalilah, senang and seems Harris pun tak celebrate his birthday on the 4th of Dec... semua mommies tapau sekali buat birthdays aritu. Besides there are many children to celebrate. Ala budak2 ni dapat tiup lilin cake, nyanyi2 birthday song, rasa puas hati dah. Birthday present babah dah bookkan tiket ke Istanbul... hahaha. So both children; A'an and Intan actually celebrated both birthdays in Dubai with mama n babah.
note ; Thank u ye Ibu Moi and Ayah Norris, readykan party siap food utk Intan.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Beautiful Istanbul

Day 3. (11122008)

Dak Dina Debot and Kak Iman enjoying snow

To be continued...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Salam Eidul Adha
O my Lord, here I am at Your service, here I am.There is no partner with You,here I am.Truly the praiseand the provisions are Yours,and so is the dominion and sovereignty.There is no partner with You.

"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate".
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Jommm Sukan

2nd December 2008
Abang and the junior team were jubilant with their victories on 1st to 3rd games tho tak ke final.

nice photos can be found from LensaHalim, Lensa PP, LensaFND. (Mohon izin ye abang-abang photographer.)
Friday, November 28, 2008
Cuti-Cuti Dubai 4
It is been quite a while (hibernating sat), being busy and malasss but just wanna to blog about our recent activity, Cuti2 Dubai with anak-anak from Malaysia plus a visit from a good buddy of mine. Rozi and Hubby transitted Dubai enrouted Rome, Italy. Fetched them at the airport and balik Uptown dah malam so just bawak depa makan at the food court there and belanja Abang A'an punya Birthday ( "happy birthday a'An" ) and strolling within the vicinity. Nice weather, quite chilling and nyamannnn.
Tuesday 25112008
Love this photo. This is the only photo the whole 7 of us.
We rented a Kia Carnival MPV to accomodate all for a city tour. Started with Jumeirah Beach and Burj Arab. Snapping photos and we headed to the Atlantis (The Most Expansive Hotel) at the moment. Dubai as usual, claiming to have the world's tallest building, biggest airport and most expensive hotel, Dubai is a city of superlatives. An there are so many others for us to explore here. One shouls tgk on the opening ceremony. OMG they are so lavish... MEMBAZIR!!! In the economics turmoil and many were rentrenched, the money spent for that nite would suffice for so many family expanses. At a cost of $20million (Dh73 million) the lavish party will play host to around 2,500 celebrity and royal guests and a number of VIPs from the UAE for one grand nite event. Many were ie, Oprah, Kylie Minogue, Lindsay Lohan and other Hollywood /Bollywood superstars. Pak-Pak Arab kaya berlaga-laga pipi sambil tasbih kat tangan; hehehe ... do ur own googgling ya!!!
Atlantis in BIG numbers. (Hotel of madness)
The cost: £750m
The size: 114 acres – or 64 Wembley football pitches
The rooms: 1,539, with prices starting at £228 per night for a standard double and rising to £15,000 for the Bridge Suite
The water: 60m litres, including the rides and aquariums – enough to fill 24 Olympic-size pools
The rides: 8, including the 1½mile river ride
The restaurants: 17, three from Michelin-starred chefs
The fish: 65,000 specimens, twice as many as the London Aquarium

Then Abang Aizar wanted to get some Hard Rock Cafe Shirts for souvenirs and his own collection. He and babah are ardent Hard Rock Shirts collectors. FYI, the Dubai Hard Rock Cafe is closing by end of the year, bet depa jual shirts discount giler2 lepas ni so saper2 HRC fans, check it out.

Global Village- A cultural landmark in Dubai
Around Maghrib we reached Global Village, kaki dah lenguh sebenarnya, badan dah rasa nat kaputt but the children were so energetic. But we got to take Rozi and Aizar here as the village is open only during winter for 3 months. Got to take the chance.
Many have said that the village attracts an outstanding increase in the numbers of visitors and countries participating. Every countries participating withspecial sets of pavilions with their own theme on the location, the village is still by far the most exotic attraction of the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF). But with time constraints we did not really manage to explore the whole globe. The only time that they enjoyed was having fun with Mr Barney. Enjoy the pictures. Babah and children really had a great fun with Mr Barney, Photo session; they gave them to take photos but later kena bayar depa 40dhs, hahaha!!! Anyway Ilham os Barney die-hard fan, still berbaloi!!!
26th Nov 2008 Rozi and Aizar left for Italy. Babah sent them to the airport at 6.30am. Hope they enjoy the stay here.
Hahaha, naper lak ada monkey ni. Ha tu ler, ada 2 orang kirim monkeys ni as awards they love the blogs. Thank u ya Fida and ????. Rules nyer kena tag 7 orang dan acknolwledge them but... but... but... kawan2 semua!!! kawan2 blog ni ramai yg dah dapat award ni, so mama tak tag orang lah ye. mama simpan jer monkey comel ni kat blog mama. Jangan kecit ati ye. Love the monkey!!!