Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm back Part II

Ermmm punyalah lama tak update blog ni, the last one was 19th of January, almost one and a half month. Not only that mama tak buka blog sendirik but mama tak larat nak go thru/blog walking others. This time penangan M besar ni (malasss la tu) teruk betul.


But today i really feel energentic, fully energized I guess lama dok diam2 baru terasa nak menulis. Even camera pun dah lama tak pegang, in fact tak tahu kat mana. Even tadi nak restart writing this blog terkial2 carik mana nak customize, just like a starter. As masa computer rosak aritu, many of the photos uploaded into the old harddisc, lagilah malas nak carik gambar2 lama.


Anyway there is a reason actually why I felt like I hv gained back my energy. Sebab tonite and starting tomorrow mama dah ada PA. Babah tolong importkan, at least now mama will have her own time monitor jer with all the tedious housework. Serious!!! now I found doing the housechores alone is so time comsuming and so hectic. Especially kejar n dok kerjakan Kak Ieam and Kak Dina. By mid of the day dah rasa kaputt.


Actually kesian kat babah sebenarnya, he has to help me a lot, dahlah penat keje, but so far cooking is not a problem. but the after cooking/makan/dining chores.... MasyaAllah memang tak larat. Well age factor kan, preggie at this age??? Nothing to complain benonya, amat bersyukur... Alhamdulillah, mohon Allah permudahkan segalanya. Amin. Alhamdulillah again.

Well till next entry, InsyaAllah akan terus menulis lagi.

p/s = Thanks to mama Riri and mommy dia tolong permudahkan segalanya. Thanks alot ya (really from the bottom of our heart!!!)